Additionally, attorney Valerie Garcia was listed in Colorado Super Lawyers® Top 50 Women & Top 100 Lawyers.

Super Lawyers® uses a rigorous selection process that includes peer nominations, evaluations, and third-party research to select no more than 5% of attorneys in Colorado for inclusion in their list. The “Rising Stars” list includes no more than 2.5% of young lawyers. This process ensures that the Super Lawyers® lists provide a comprehensive and credible selection of outstanding attorneys in the state.


Super Lawyers

Benton Barton – Professional Liability: Defense

Valerie Garcia – Civil Litigation: Defense

David Gelman – Personal Injury Medical Malpractice: Defense

Chad Gillam – Health Care

Peter Middleton – Civil Litigation: Defense

Matthew Ninneman – Construction Litigation

Ryan Winter – Personal Injury General: Defense

Rising Stars

Kendra Garstka – Workers’ Compensation