Jack Peters will speak at the Colorado Bar Association’s 6th Annual Litigators’ Summit in Denver, Colorado, on Thursday, November 16, 2023. The all-day continuing legal education seminar will feature wisdom from leading litigators and Judges on expert witnesses, jury...
Hall & Evans, LLC has been recognized in the 2024 edition of Best Law Firms®, ranked by Best Lawyers®, nationally in two practice areas and regionally in fifteen practice areas. This year’s Best Law Firms list includes rankings in 75 national practice areas...
Serena Gudino and Ethan Zweig attended the American General Contractors of Colorado (AGC) Associates Council Equipment Rodeo in Aurora, CO. The 2nd annual Equipment Rodeo was hosted by Wagner Equipment and had a good mix of competition from contractors to construction...
Meghan Sheridan was a panelist at the National Ski Areas Association’s (NSAA) Fall Education Seminar at the Snowbasin Resort in Utah on October 12th. The Seminar was an all-day deep dive on legal topics, and attendees included ski resort operators in Utah and...
Eleven team members from Hall & Evans’ Railroad Practice Group attended a Railroad 101 training presented by BNSF at the Globeville Yard in Denver, Colorado. BNSF operates one of the largest freight railroad networks in North America, with 32,500 miles of rail...
Brooke A. Churchman Kendra G. Garstka Brooke Churchman and Kendra Garstka recently spoke at ALFA International’s Future Leaders Seminar in New Orleans, Louisiana. This two-day forum brought the next generation of leaders in ALFA International together to discuss...