The Threshold-Remuneration Test After Saachi

The Threshold-Remuneration Test After Saachi

With the prevalence of interns and unpaid volunteers in the workforce, what happens if an individual suffers discrimination while in their role as intern or volunteer? Can interns and volunteers take advantage of traditional employment law torts to vindicate their...
Torts From Sports: Not So Fast, My Friend

Torts From Sports: Not So Fast, My Friend

Vince Lombardi once said, “Football is not a contact sport, it’s a collision sport – dancing is a contact sport.”  The Utah Supreme Court recently rendered a decision that held that injuries as a result of an incident that are inherent in a sport are...
Seven Named Special Counsel

Seven Named Special Counsel

Hall & Evans is pleased to announce the promotion of Ryan Browne, Andrew Nickel, Paul Popovic, Kevin Poyner, Kendra Smith, Nick Snow, and Christine Stickley to Special Counsel. The newest group of Special Counsel has shown their dedication to Hall & Evans and...
Denver Office Welcomes Four New Associates

Denver Office Welcomes Four New Associates

We are pleased to welcome these valued professionals to the Firm as our newest Litigation Associates. Kendra Garstka and Emily McGilvery join our Workers’ Compensation Practice Group, Brian Urankar joins our Transportation Practice Group, and Aaron Thompson...