Posts by or about Hall and Evans

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Truckers Beware The “City Different”

Truckers Beware The “City Different”

What in the world is going on in Santa Fe, New Mexico? This 400-year-old capital city is home to the nation’s oldest church and other architectural treasures, incredible artworks, and a rich mixture of Hispanic, Anglo, and Native American cultures. Trying a case in...
Hall & Evans Rocky Mountain Litigation Reporter

Hall & Evans Rocky Mountain Litigation Reporter

The Hall & Evans Rocky Mountain Litigation Reporter is a periodic online newsletter directed to a select group of individuals and organizations. In this edition, we summarize recent decisions from the Colorado Supreme Court, the Colorado Court of Appeals, and the...
Hall & Evans Attorneys Listed in 2015 Super Lawyers

Hall & Evans Attorneys Listed in 2015 Super Lawyers

The 2015 Colorado Super Lawyers have been announced. We have several attorneys in this year’s edition. 2015 Colorado Super Lawyers: Benton Barton, Alan Epstein, Bob Ferm, Mike Jones, Peter Jones, Bruce Menk, Pete Middleton, Rick Murray, Andrew Ringel, Craig Sargent,...