The CLM’s Construction Claims publication currently features an article co-authored by Valerie Garcia and Chloe Mickel. Valerie and Chloe’s article, “Strategies for Challenging Extrapolation Evidence,” explores how extrapolation evidence is...
In July, John Bolmer, Lance Shurtleff, Michael Paul, and Mark Ratner collaborated to prepare summaries of the law on reporting requirements in claims against accountants for the states of Colorado, Wyoming, Iowa, and Michigan. The summaries will be included in a...
We are pleased to welcome these valued professionals to the Firm as our newest Litigation Associates. Paul Popovic joins our Workers’ Compensation Practice Group, Kendra Kutko joins our Employment and Public Entity Practice Groups, and Paul Janda, Vicki Pace, and...
Joyce Nakamura will be a panelist for A Little Help’s Tough Talk Speaker Series on Thursday, July 27th, 2017. A Little Help is a nonprofit that assists mature individuals to remain in their homes and to live independently. Thursday’s expert panel on...
The 2017 legislative session adjourned on Wednesday, May 10, 2017. The 2017 legislative session marked the third consecutive year where one party controlled one legislative chamber and the other party controlled the other legislative chamber. Additionally, for the...