Every day brings a dramatic new story about illnesses and deaths claimed to be tied to e-cigarettes, also known as vapes. E-cigarettes allow users to inhale nicotine vapor, as opposed to smoke (the conduit for nicotine in traditional cigarettes). To date, several...
Joe Cavasinni and Valerie Garcia will be attending the 2019 Claims and Litigation Management (CLM) Construction Conference, September 25-27, in San Diego, California. The CLM Construction Conference covers all aspects of insurance, risk, and claims management of the...
As the intellectual and developmental service system has evolved from one focused on providing services in large institutions – often far from a person’s home and community – to one based on a flexible dynamic system of supports close to home and community, the...
Brian Molzahn presented at the Nuts and Bolts of Construction Law CLE program in Denver, Colorado on Thursday, September 12th. Brian is a member of the CBA Construction Law Section’s Executive Council which hosted the event. Brian’s session,...
Hall & Evans proudly supported the Maria Droste Counseling Center at their 7th Annual Golf Classic on September 4, 2019. Chad Gillam and clients enjoyed a beautiful day at the Fossil Trace Golf Club in Golden, Colorado to benefit the counseling center. The Maria...