Posts by or about Hall and Evans

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Valerie Garcia Quoted in “Law Week Colorado”

Valerie Garcia Quoted in “Law Week Colorado”

Following the 2020 announcements of Colorado Super Lawyers®, Valerie Garcia was quoted in the recent Law Week Colorado edition, “Superb.” Garcia was recognized by Colorado Super Lawyers® for Construction Litigation and selected for this year’s Top 50 Women and Top 100...
Hall & Evans Honored with 2020 Inclusiveness@Work Award

Hall & Evans Honored with 2020 Inclusiveness@Work Award

Hall & Evans, LLC is honored to announce our 2020 Inclusiveness@Work Award presented by the Center for Legal Inclusiveness (CLI).  Each year, CLI recognizes Colorado-based legal organizations and lawyers who are advancing diversity and creating cultures of...
Important First Amendment Ruling by the Tenth Circuit

Important First Amendment Ruling by the Tenth Circuit

In a significant and far-reaching First Amendment decision in CSMN Investments, LLC et al. v. Cordillera Metropolitan District, et al., the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals adopted the Right to Petition immunity doctrine. Like free speech, the right to petition the...
ALFA International COVID-19 Resource Page

ALFA International COVID-19 Resource Page

Hall & Evans is a founding member and the exclusive Colorado member of the ALFA International legal network.  ALFA International (ALFAI) is the oldest legal network of its kind and remains one of the largest.  The organization is comprised of 150 member firms with...